LIVIN' LIFE® is an Atlanta based lifestyle brand. Our enduring purpose, that guides everything we do, is to inspire others to pursue their dreams and embrace this journey we call life.

Our Manifesto
"Life is not a rehearsal; we're only here for a minute. So do whatever it takes to make your dreams a reality. Your only real obstacle is yourself. But remember it's not about the destination; it's the journey that matters. So make sure you're LIVIN' LIFE enjoying every single second."
- Antonio Vaughn

Our Community
Meet the Community that fuels us with stories of perseverance. They remind us that we are stronger than we think, and prove, post after post, that you are your only real obstacle.

Our Mobile Store
Back in 2006 our mobile store was the trunk of a used Toyota Matrix. Over a decade later we now have a mobile pop-up shop. The LIVIN' LIFE® Van is our mobile store based in Atlanta, Georgia.